Infinite Website

Cheaper if you spend more

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Discount Policy

We offer discounts to different groups, the three discount levels and criteria are listed below. We maintain a strict division between discounts and only once qualified can a customer move to the next discount level. Discounts are based on the price per item and are not cumulative with other discounts. We may offer special prices on items made to order if the quantity is sufficient. We will register customers with the website on request, you will be requred to login before adding to your cart to access the discount.

Retail Discounts

There is a 10% discount applied to any order over £50 at the checkout for retail orders, customers that are not loged in. this is the only discount we offer to non registered customers.

Group Discount

We offer a 10% discount for registered customer either on first order over £50 or once a customer has placed over £50 worth of orders. The 10% discount is then avaliable on all orders of any value on all products. This discount is avaliable to Youthgroups, Schools, Craftworkers, Inderviduals, Clubs, Buisnesses (Actualy anyone that spends more than £50 with us). Group discount customers need to login before placing items into the shopping cart as product discounts are not updated after login in if the item is already in the cart.

Wholesale Discount

Once a customer has spent £300 and is registered on the website they can apply for our wholesale discount. This gives a 30% discount off of most of our products, a few we are only able to offer between 10% and 20% discount. This discount level is limited to businesses, including small craft manufactures, Groups, Schools, and Shops. Wholesale discount customers need to login before placing items into the shopping cart as product discounts are not updated after login in if the item is already in the cart.

Trade Discount

The top level of discount is 30% this is only available to Shops and Resellers. It is limited to the Infinite Adornment range of Christian Jewellery, Trade and Whole Sale Packets and a few items that we manufacture.

Schools and Public Bodys

We are happy to accept Purchace Orders please place the order. In shipping/order notes put you want to pay by invoice and a purchace order number. For payment methods choose 'Credit Card over Phone' . We will change the order at this end.