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Additions to Orders and Special Delivery


If you need to add any items to an order this can be done by placing another order through the website and putting it through as an addition. Once you have put the items you want in your cart go to checkout. On the second page of the checkout, the "Shipping & Tax" section,in the post drop down where it says "First Class Packet(£2.99)" drop down and choose the " Addition (60p)" . This will change the price for postage to 60p we have to make this charge to cover the cash handling and invoicing costs that go with any payment and order.

Additions to orders can only be used within 48 hours of an order being placed that has either had the full price postage paid or has free postage because its over the postage paid level.
Any order over the free post level cannot be an addition but will be treated as a seperate order.

We will count the date the Addition comes in as the date of the combined order so your original order may take longer than you were expecting.

If the Addition is used and we dont have an order in the system for you your order will be held until the extra postage is paid.

We do not take email additions as these can get lost in the system and require a large amount of extra time for us to deal with. So please use the additions system to add to the order and make sure you get what you want.

Special Delivery

We can offer a 48 hour turnaround and then garanteed 24 hour post (Three working days to delivery). We have to send the packet out by carrier so an extra charge of £10 is made to cover this and the costs of moving your order to the top of the cutting pile. We can't always offer this so please check with us first by email before you place the order.